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Thoughts & Inspiration

Has your heart been stamped with the all-consuming, everlasting, unconditional love of the LORD?

Even though many confess Christ as their LORD and Savior, 25+ years of ministry and my own testimony have shown me that many are still trying to earn God’s AGAPE’.  Listen, God’s love for you is not about how you perform. 

Even as a Senior Pastor, I use to try to earn more of God’s love by my performance based minsitry.  Because of my “wounds of the past”, I tried to prove my value and worth to God.  When I stopped being a “Good Pharisee”, I realized that God’s perfect love for me would cast out all of my fears (1 John 4:18).  God is in passionate pursuit of you!

Here’s a tuff question for you to answer: Do you fear God’s punishment if / for _______________?    God is not going to get you for something you did or didn’t do!  He loves you and you don’t have to “do” something to earn His love. 

Let God touch your deepest and darkest wounds. Let God cover them with His all-consuming love that can never be extinguished.  Don’t be afraid to let His love even go to the “backside” of your heart and heal what you have hidden for years.  Stop wearing your wounds and let Him stamp His AGAPE’ in you and on you, today.