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“GODfidence” is like “HIMpossible” and yes they are words that I made up.  While Confidence is
described by the dictionary as assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in
yourself and your abilities, “GODfidence” is a complete reliance and trust in God’s ability in and through you.


“GODfidence” is believing that all things are possible to those in whom He gives His strength = HIMpopssible (Phillipians 4:13; Proverbs 3:5-6).  “GODfidence” is a sole
dependence on God’s power and strength. It is an assurance that God is able in
spite of your inability. It is an overwhelming assurance that you can because
God can. Simply put, it is confidence in God and God alone. This type of
confidence is not void of doubts and fears, nor does it require that you have it
“all together”.  “GODfidence” can exist in the midst of uncertainties, personal
limitations and difficult circumstances. In fact, “GODfidence” is always found in
situations where your own strength is limited. 

What type of fidence do you have,
confidence or “GODfidence”?
 Like David, you may feel like you are a mere shepherd
boy and lack the professional expertise to do what God is requiring of you. Or,
like Gideon, that you may not have the resources to accomplish the vision that
God has given you. You may have a thorn in your flesh like Paul, and feel as
though you cannot accomplish the vision unless the thorn is removed. Whatever
your circumstance, remember God is able. All things are HIMpossible!  Confidence is dangerous – it can kill
you. You truly can “do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” No matter what you are facing … repeat after me, “IT IS HIMPOSSIBLE!”
God calls
us to complete and total trust in His ability. All you need is