
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

What a joy it is to partner with you in missions and prayer.  We can take joy in having full confidence that we can cast all of our cares upon the LORD, for He cares for us. 

Here are a few of my heart cries.  Please lift these up to JESUS and intercede on my behalf:

Missions 101 Training in Atlanta, GA – Saturday, April.  I am leading this training seminar for all Group Leaders who will partner with AIM this year in Missions around the world.  What an awesome opportuntiy to pour God’s truth in the lives of many church leaders.  I need God’s Wisdom and Discernment for leading this time.

The Month of May as I call all of the churches who have agreed to partner in missions with AIM for the summer.  God has given me 1800+ participants who will be going on missions this year.  Pray that each one of these will be awakened to their true identity in JESUS.

– Sunday, May 20
as Laura, Jacob and I celebrate the fruit of our labor for the first quarter with our ministry partners.  This will be a great time to share together all that God has accomplished due to the partners He has blessed us with.  If you would like to support me and AIM Missions, please click on the
Support Me link to the left under the Main Menu.

My wife, Laura and our son, Jacob
as we continue follow JESUS as a family and individuals.